This blog is all about how to create make up looks and new ideas and also product reviews!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Hello my lovely readers, I’ve been MIA because I recently had a baby. I’m back and I’m planning to continue to blog more and update many things on here.
I just want to get some thoughts off my chest. Many people love to blog because it’s a good way for them to express themselves. Whether it’s to showcase their talent in makeup, love for fashion, creativity in photography or just anything they want to write about! I’ve been blogging since 2013 I’ve always had the passion to write and those who know me well know that I’ve always loved writing! I love to express myself through blogging! I know many people do read my blog, and enjoy my reviews. Times have changed and blogging is basically a lifestyle for some people. I enjoy my blog and enjoy writing makeup reviews for you all. If you’re reading this, I want to say thank you for reading and keeping up with me. To me, my blog is a hobby of mine. Just like you may have a hobby of yours. I will continue to write on my blog and update more frequently.

Thank you for reading,
