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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to make your LASHES longer!

Ever thought about taking care of your eyelashes? 

Eyelashes block the dust from entering your eyes, they block bacteria and dirty particles from entering your eyes. 
To take care of them you will need to use natural remedies, not chemical remedies.

1. Olive oil- apply little bit of extra virgin olive oil on top of your eye lids, olive oil has vitamins that will nourish your lashes and thicken them naturally. It protects your hairs from being weak and strengthens them.
2. Coconut oil to remove eye makeup- start using coconut oil to remove your eye makeup, Coconut oil is very light and soft on the skin. It always smells so nice too, plus its beneficial for your lashes because it will help them grow long! 
3. Castor oil- This oil is very sticky and its thick, so apply very little on your lash tips. Using clean fingers to massage on top of your eye lids, do not apply too much since its too thick. Just massage your lids and top lash line with it, and you will see results in couple weeks. (best results to do before going to bed) 
4. White petroleum jelly- It has vitamin E and vitamin E is great for your lashes, it will nourish them. Make sure not to apply too much, take very little but and melt it on your finger tips, then very gently apply on lashes, dont pull your lashes. (best results to do before going to bed) 
5. Wash your face- make sure after a long day you wash your face with your face wash, and clean your eyes with cold water, dont scrub your eyes so hard that will make your lashes fall.

I hope this helped 
For best results use Extra Virgin Oils and Organic oils
Do before going to bed
Do not apply too much 
Do not apply in the eyes
BE careful

Thank you for reading

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