This blog is all about how to create make up looks and new ideas and also product reviews!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Hey loves, so I am in the process of buying a new DSLR camera so I can take better quality pictures and record videos or you.

I am very excited to buy it. I am very lucky to have my husband in my life who supports me and will help me record and edit my videos! I am also going to post new and amazing quality pictures for you to see :)

What do you guys think? Do you want to see more of my blog posts and my new videos and if so, WHAT do you want to see more?!

Please let me know!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Benefits of Castor Oil

What is Castor Oil: 
Castor oil is derived from the seed or bean of the castor plant. It's most commonly used as a laxative, but it has many other reported functions. Castor oil may help eliminate warts, boils, menstrual congestion disorders, ringworm, and fungal and bacterial infections, according to The Analyst website. It may also improve the condition of your hair and aid in hair growth, although little scientific evidence exists to support these claims.

Properties of Castor Oil: 

Castor oil contains vitamin E, minerals, proteins, antibacterial and anti-fungicidal properties. The Castor Oil website attributes its healing benefits to its unusual chemical composition, which consists of a triglyceride of fatty acids with ricinoleic acid of up to 90 percent. In addition to healing benefits, castor oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties, all of which are related to healthy hair growth.
I use castor oil on my eyelashes and eyebrows. It is very beneficial for the lashes and brows because it moisturizes them and stimulates the cells so the hair can grow long and full. You can buy it online at or buy it from a local indian grocery store or arabic grocery store! 
I hope this helped!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Hey guys, I just wanted to take some time out and give advice... I know everybody has their own personal problems and their situations are different so I want to give universal advice to you about depression and sadness. 

Rule number one: If you ever feel down, sad or feel like crying because life is being a bi*ch, then you need to look at life in a positive way. Life is short and your situation may be bad or you may feel wrong for the time being, remember your situation is not going to be that way forever. You will be happier sooner or later. 

Rule number two, compare your life to those below you never to those who are higher. Don't look at celebrities and those people who are popular, because if you keep doing that then honestly speaking, you're not going to get anywhere in life! You need to look at those who are suffering, who have less than you, who are tested with more hardships than you. Only then will your heart be more humble and you will appreciate your life. 

Rule number three: The only remedy you have to is do what makes YOU happy. Don't let anybody fool you don't allow others to take over your opinions and voice! You have to be confident in yourself and embrace your beauty. You are never alone, there are others who are in worse situations than you, and don't ever feel like God is punishing you, because He is not. He is testing you, He wants to see how patient you are, and mostly He wants to see if you will go back to Him. Have faith, basically that's what I am saying. Have faith in your spirituality. Have faith in yourself. 

Thank you for reading,
I hope this helped everyone who is dealing with sadness or depression.

God bless you 
