You will need: Rosemary leaves and water. First boil the water, just one whole glass is okay. Once the water is boiling, add the rosemary leaves inside your pot. Make sure you have a good amount of rosemary leaves, not the whole packet, but a handful is fine. Let is boil until the water is all yellow and concentrated with the rosemary. It will also have a distinct rosemary aroma to it. Second, have a empty spray bottle ready, and add virgin coconut oil inside the spray bottle, after you add the oil, make sure to add the rosemary leaf water and mix both products well in the bottle. Shake, shake, shake!!! After that is done, make sure your hair is clean, and ready to spray it on your scalp, over your head and through your strands, you can comb through it while you add the spray, and also massage your scalp thoroughly. LEAVE IN FOR A WHOLE DAY, the next day you can take a bath or shower, and clean out your hair with light shampoo (not recommended I just wash it with water personally, but if you want to use shampoo, that is also fine, I just wash with water because I want the oil to make my hair fresh and strong. Shampoo will clean the oil out, but the chemicals will come in your scalp again and the moisture wont stay for long. I prefer to just wash it with water the next day so my hair can absorb the moisture by the rosemary/coconut oil treatment. THIS IS FOR FLAKY SCALP AND HAIR LOSS!!! Hope it works well for you!!! :)