You want to learn more about the benefits of Green tea?
I think you should!
IT is very beneficial!
1. Green tea is full of anti oxidants
What are anti oxidants?
- "All teas from the camellia tea plant are rich in polyphenols, which are a type of antioxidant. These wonder nutrients scavenge for cell-damaging free radicals in the body and detoxify them" (John Weisburger, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute for Cancer Prevention.)
2. Green Tea is very concentrated!
- Green Tea is very concentrated because the leaves are withered and steamed in its process. The leaves are not fermented like oolong or black teas. When you even make it, you boil the water and the leaves, the water is very concentrated, and the more concentrated it is, the healthier!
3. Green Tea is a excellent source of WEIGHT LOSS!
- "Studies have also shown green tea extracts are capable of reducing fat digestion by inhibiting digestive enzymes. Others have shown thermogenic properties of green tea (probably brought on by the interaction between its caffeine content). Thermogenesis is the process of the body burning fuel (fat) without making chemical energy (the calories are released as heat)
Thanks for reading :)